Events within the framework of the Month of Patriotism continue

11.1.2022 1851

Events within the framework of the Month of Patriotism continue On the main square of Jizzak, servicemen of the National Guard Directorate for the Jizzakh region and the military units of the Ministry of Defense opened an exhibition of military equipment and invited the pupils of the Mehribonlik House No. 29. The children were told about the Day of Defenders of the Motherland, the history of our national army, its formation and development , about the famous commanders and heroes who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of Uzbekistan.
Boys and girls were interested to look at the military vehicles, they were especially fascinated by their permission to sit in the cockpit, to see how the special vehicles are arranged inside. The children were shown the parachute, how it unfolds, how it fits into a small externally backpack. The guys vied with each other asked the military to be photographed with them as a keepsake.