Learn the rules of the road before multiplication tables.

18.2.2022 1996

With this appeal, classes on road safety began in the House of Mercy No. 30 of Yashnabad district. The training was conducted by officers of the Traffic Safety Department of the Interior Ministry and the National Guard. During the interview, participants were told about the responsibilities of pedestrians and drivers, explained why it is not possible to run along the road where they are encountered, and that it is dangerous to walk on the sidewalks with headphones.
All the road signs that children need to know from a young age were mentioned once again. In addition, the young people answered the questions asked to them and took the tests. At the end of the session, the experts answered all the questions of the boys and girls and showed them a tablet where they could check the information and documents of the drivers. The lesson, which was conducted in such an unusual way, was enjoyed by all, and they asked the staff to come frequently