Five reasons to shoot a bow

13.1.2022 2364

In Andijan region, the regional branch of the Archery Federation organized a competition among children from the "Children's Town" and young people who could not set a clear goal. These competitions are called “Junga” and none of the 32 participants who participated had any previous archery experience. Before the competition, the children were told about the history of the formation and development of this Olympic sport, were shown how the bow and arrow work, the rules of proper shooting. We did a hands-on activity, after which the boys and girls showed how they learned the lesson.The competition was also attended by educators of the Children's Town, employees of the Andijan Regional Security Department of the National Guard. Why shoot a bow Archery is one of the great ways to develop calmness and mental strength, strengthen muscle elongation, develop eye radiance, and boost immunity. Even doctors say that the physical health of dancers and archers is in the best condition. In addition, archery improves the respiratory system and cardiovascular system.Psychological balance is another positive result of archery. A person who shoots a bow will be calm, intelligent and spiritually calm, but at the same time will not lose concentration and self-confidence. Archery is a very interesting sport that has both a developmental and educational effect on the body. One of the educational effects of this sport is that in addition to endurance and sustainable technique, you need composure, confidence and composure, because one of the key factors for a good result is the right moral attitude. Apparently, there are more than five reasons to shoot a bow.